I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester

On January 7, 1858, it was decided to undertake a grand endeavor and create the ultimate English dictionary. It would contain the earliest use of the word and several quotations of the word as it has changed in its usage over the years.  They would require help from volunteers from all over the Britsh Territories and America.

One of their most prolific volunteers was Dr. W.C. Minor, an American who was retired from the military due to madness.  He was treated at a hospital and released and decided to go to Europe for a restful tour.  Instead, he ended up believing that people were going through his rooms.  Then one night he believed someone had been through his room and rushed out to find him and shot a man he believed to be the intruder.  He killed the man and was put on trial for his murder and found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to Broadmore, a hospital for the criminally insane on April 17,1872.

Since he was a model patient and had his Army retirement money coming in he was given two cells that he filled with books and had his sketchbook that he made drawings from.  During the day his cell was left unlocked and he could stroll the grounds if he wished.  While reading a magazine he came across an ad for a request for readers for the dictionary and he sends off a reply to offer his services.

James Murray had been involved with the dictionary project from the start but on April 26, 1878, he was made the editor and put in charge of it.  The project had been lagging and Murray put some much-needed oomph in it.   Murray got it back on track getting more readers.  Murray stopped going to school at fourteen because his family couldn't afford to send him farther.  He was a self-taught man who knew a great deal, especially about languages and words.

Murray and Minor had been corresponding for twenty years before Murray finds out about Minor's situation.  What will he find when he gets there?  While Minor and Murray share a love of words, they couldn't have been more different. Minor, an American, grew up in an affluent household and received a grand education, while Murray, who grew up poor in Scotland was self-taught.  Minor had seen war, while Murray had not.  Minor was schizophrenic while Murray was sane as can be.  However, the two of them looked exactly like each other: both bald with long white beards.

This was an interesting book that explores the massive undertaking of the Oxford English Dictionary which would take seventy years to create.  Minor was a major contributor to this endeavor and the first volume is dedicated to him.  They are currently working on the third edition of the OED which is expected to be completed in 2037.  Minor is a sad person who if he existed today could have received treatment but then would he have contributed to the OED? His work on the OED was his therapy and it worked for a good long while until it stopped working and he became beyond help.  I really enjoyed this book and the look at the two men it studied who were so different yet shared the same passion.  I give this book five out of five stars.

Listed on Amazon:     https://www.amazon.com/Professor-Madman-Insanity-English-Dictionary/dp/0060839783/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2BGXZTD7AVZE6&keywords=the+professor+and+the+madman&qid=1569413363&s=gateway&sprefix=the+professor+and%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-3

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