I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Friday, September 13, 2019

Black Panther Vol 6: The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda Vol 1 by Ta-Neshisi Coates (Writer), Daniel Acuna (Artist), David Navarro (Artist), Jen Bartel (Artist), Paul Reinwand (Layout), Triona Farrell (Colorist), VC's Joe Sabino (Letterer)

Set in the Intergalactic Empire that the Wakandan's have taken over and mined Vibranium.  The Imperials are the highest caste and claim to be the blood of the descendants of the Empire of Wakanda.  The Miners, aka The Nameless, are the those subjected to work in the mine who have had their memories wiped.  The Askari is both the police force and the arm of the Wakandan slave trade. Hated by the Nameless and looked down on by the Imperials they are made up of different races often conquered by Wakanda.  The Rebels, aka The Maroons, are those who fight back and are made up of the nameless and are led by Captain N'Yami of the Starship Makandal.

The main characters are T'Challa, a nameless warrior in search of himself and his memories.  He fights with the Maroons and could be the legendary warrior they have been looking for to lead them to victory.  Nakia is a tactical leader of the Maroons and is the one who freed T'Challa and wants to have a relationship with him.  Nakia remembers her life of privilege but hates it.  N'Yami is the chief of the Maroons and spent most of her life laboring in the mines.  She is a Taky-Maza and is often underestimated in combat.  M'Baku is one of the Maroon's greatest warriors.  While a great fighter he is in no hurry to recover his memories.  Taku is N'Yami's chief intelligence officer and a Rigellian whose people were mostly not enslaved but captured by the Wakandans.  Her knowledge is invaluable.

The Askari attack the home base in high numbers and they are forced to flee. A powerful slave named Manifold attacked them while they were leaving.  T'Challa grabbed the famous spear and it responded to him which just goes to show that he is the chosen one. Someone dies in the battle and years pass and T'Challa is no closer to getting his memories back.  He feels something for Nakia too but can't go forward without knowing his history.

This was an excellent opening to a new series with a whole world set up with Wakanda being the bad guys.  It's a very creative twist to the story.  The gods are also involved.  The art is very creative and very raw and open.  I really enjoyed this book and I give it five out of five stars.

Listed on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Black-Panther-Book-Intergalactic-Wakanda-ebook/dp/B07L43294C/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=black+panther+vol+6&qid=1568375766&s=gateway&sr=8-1

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