I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Star Wars Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith Vol 2: Legacy's End by Charles Soule (Writer). Giuseppe Camuncoli (Penciler), Daniele Orlandini (Inker), David Curiel (Colorist). VC's Joe Caramagna (Letterer)

In the previous comic, The Clone Wars are over and Anakin was left for dead by Obi-Wan on Mustafar where the Emperor picked him up and restored his body in a cybernetic creation.  Anakin is devastated that Padme is dead and can't be brought back to life.  The Emperor tells him he must pour all thoughts of revenge into the building of the Empire. The Emperor becomes rather pissed when he finds that Darth Vader doesn't have his lightsaber. This means that he'll have to defeat a Jedi and win his lightsaber and then take all the grief and anger in him and turn the kyber crystal red, giving him a Sith lightsaber. He attacks the Jedi historical collection housing base in order to pursue the database of Jedis who took the vow to stay out of it or those who before the conflict and taken the Barash Vow to live outside the Jedi Order until his path becomes clear to him.  Now that the Jedi are gone and the man standing before him is one of those responsible for the destruction of the Jedi his new path seems clear: to take him out and his master.

Darth Vader is continuing his mission of killing off Jedis.  When Palpatine gives him a job to do which involves getting a hold of Jocasta Nu, who was the Jedi Guardian of the files of information that the Jedi had.  If you watch the movies she's the librarian that you see telling Obi-Wan that his planet is missing;  Jocasta in this comic is trying to get down everything she can in Holocrons to set up a school to train new Jedi.

She goes back to the library to get the list of names of those who have the potential to be Jedis but can't resist attacking Vader's Head Inquisitor who is a Jedi who has turned to the dark side, who is going through the Holocrons.  This mistake is costly as Vader shows up and captures her even though the Inquisitor wants to kill her but Vader has orders from Palpatine to bring her alive.  Vader does something that will piss off Palpatine if he finds out about it and the next thing you know a death threat is being made against him that traces back to the highest reaches of the Empire.   

This is a pretty good comic.  I really enjoyed reading about Jocasta Nu who is a real badass.   She will die to protect the list or the information in the library.  And I find it interesting that Vader will go against Palpatine.  I give this book five stars out of five stars.

Listed On Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Darth-Vader-Legacys/dp/130290745X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1WRQ9SB7LLKYP&dchild=1&keywords=star+wars+darth+vader+-+dark+lord+of+the+sith+vol.+2&qid=1594214708&s=books&sprefix=star+wars+darth+vader%2Caps%2C174&sr=1-2

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