I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Friday, July 17, 2020

Locke and Key Vol 6: Alpha and Omega by Joe hill (Writer). Gabriel Rodriguez (Artist), Jay Folos (Colorsist).RObbie Robbins (Letterer) .

This volume is the last in the series and therefore should be the climax and the apex of good storytelling and excellent art.  But there is neither of that here.  The storytelling is boring and art? Well, the art is bland especially when you compare both to volume five.  Speaking of which. here is what happened in that volume:  Bode's friend at school, Jay seems to sense that he isn't who he says he is and so he shoves him in front of a school bus and kills him;  Then while he's in Kinsey's room he breaks her jar of grief and pain hoping it will find it's way into Ty's head where it will drive him mad, which it does.  So Kinsey uses the head key to open his head and Bode is hoping for a look inside his head to find out the location of the Omega key but instead, he finds the key itself and takes it;  Kinsey takes her grief and pain and puts it back into her own head. Ty and Kinsey go to the clock and use the time key to travel back in time to the Revolutionary time period to see the keys being made and then they go to 1999 when their dad was a teen and had the keys along with his friends, including Zach and what happened there.

Rufus sees Bodie's ghost and knows that the person inside Bodie's body is not him and begins to strangle him causing him to be sent to the insane asylum for a long time.  Nina, Tyler, Kinsey, and Bodie's mother stop drinking.  Everyone is getting ready for prom. Kinsey is going with Jamal and Jamal and Scott reenacting the scene from Carrie with Scott as Carrie;   Tyler will eventually go alone and meet up with Jordan. 

There's a party going on in the cave and Dodge plans on crashing it and killing most of the people there and making slaves out of the rest.  Rufus escapes the asylum with the help of Miss Voss and heads towards town to stop Dodge.  Tyler also has a plan for stopping Dodge who has a plan for stopping everyone else by using the Shadow Crown and causing shadow demons to attack everyone; 

Not everyone will make it out alive.  This volume, however, was not the grand finale I had hoped for.  For those that are curious Netflix is currently airing their version of this comic.  I haven't seen it as I wanted to read the comic first.  This book is well written, after all Joe Hill did write it.  But the plot is lacking and so is the art.  This series did not go out with a bang but with a whimper. I give it three out of five stars.

“I hope you know your dad loved you.  Your dad thought you were made of solid gold. And so do i.” “I wish. Gold is soft.  It would be easier to hammer me into a new shape,  People are a lot harder to change.
-Joe Hill (Locke and Key Vol 6 p 8)

Secrets are hell. Secrets are the prisons we make for ourselves.
-Joe Hill (Locke and Key Vol 6 p 14)

Falling in love in high school is like thinking you can fly a 747 because you know how to fly a kite.
-Joe Hill (Locke and Key Vol 6 p 67)

Listed on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Locke-Key-6-Alpha-Omega/dp/1631401440/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1W7TFJM0DHU8F&dchild=1&keywords=locke+and+key+volume+6&qid=1595008910&sprefix=locke+and+key%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSDY4SzdYQ1JKR1dUJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjU1NDYxMjJMS09ZQU1MQTFSWSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjY3MzA1MTZUMjJSU1daMk8wSiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

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