I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Cloak and Dagger Vol 2: Negative Exposure by Dennis "Hopeless" Hallum (Writer), Francisco Manna (Artist), Ruairi COleman (Artist), Giada Marchiso (Colorist), VC's Travis Landam (Letterer)

In the previous comic, Cloak and Dagger, Tandy and Tyson, have broken up and Tyson hasn't accepted it, while Tandy felt the need to move on.  They still meet to allow Tyson to let off some of the Darkforce.  Tandy is working with the police on raids and Tyson is working for a rapper as a bodyguard.  When Tandy goes on a raid and discovers a body that has been sucked grey it brings back a memory of another body in her teen years with Tyson who used his power to do that to someone they knew.  Detective Ikeda comes over to her house demanding answers that she can't give.  While she keeps him at arm's length, she has feelings for him. He tells her there have been more bodies over the past few months. She doesn't know what to make of this. Tyson has been trying to get in touch with Tandy for three days to relieve his Darkforce but she won't return his calls because she can't face him thinking he killed all those people.  We see back to when Tandy and Tyson were teens to when one day on the subway when they met Grey a guy filled with smoke who calmed an edgy Tyson.  The three were inseparable.  Grey had the ability to fog people's minds and get away with stealing things.  Then Tyson killed Grey and left a grey husk. But it's not Tyson leaving these dead bodies as Tandy accuses him of when he breaks into her house in order to get her help with the Darkforce and confront her with why she's been ghosting him.  It's Grey.  He didn't actually die and now he's back for revenge and to take their life-force.

The defeat Grey and find peace in their relationship;  They realize that they really need to work together again so Tandy convinces Ty to come to work with her and the police which is a big sell considering how he feels about them.  Tandy is dating Detective Ikea and has her and Ty working with him in the field and it's a bit of a disaster.  He's overprotective and doesn't trust her to be able to do the job which leads to lots of fights between them. While that's going on Ty has met a lovely woman named Vi who is into danger and thinks he's cool as hell and loves to play in the Darkforce.

Meanwhile, Mr. Negative made a deal with a planet killer for power if he delivered Ty all powered up and got rid of Tandy, which meant separating them.  When Tandy takes Ikea down to the sewers to find what might be there they find more ghouls controlled by Mr. Negative.  They get out but Mr. Negative manages to gain control of Ikea's mind and he uses him to keep Tandy and Ty apart.  He's being the perfect boyfriend, yet Tandy is turned off.  There's someone else she's thinking of.  But first, they must save Ty from the planet killer and get rid of Mr. Negative for good.

This series is proving to be a great one.  I hope this means that Ikea is out of the picture because he was annoying.  I hate men that won't let women fight their own battles especially when they are strong enough to do so.  Vi was an interesting character.  She has some kind of control over the dark force and doesn't seem to be aware of it.  She's wild and unrestrained and is good for Ty. She is someone who loves his talent and thinks he's awesome the way he is.  The art was amazing especially the dark force imagery.  This book had a good storyline and I give it five out of five stars.

“Anytime I’m getting my ass kicked you run away.” “I’m a cop, Tamdy, not a coward.” Brandon wants to protect me , wants ot be the big strong man. When he’s so obviously the breakable one.
-Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum (Cloak and Dagger Vol 2: Negative Exposure)

Have you ever hated somebody so much you're not sure you want to see her save the world?
-Vi (Cloak and Dagger Vole 2:Negative Exposure)

“You know you never think of yourself as a plucky alterntative cast member until your girlfriend slices a doorway into a dimention to go save the world…and you realize there’s nothing left for you to do but wait.
-Detective Ikea (Cloak and Dagger Vol.2: Negative Exposure)

Listed on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Cloak-Dagger-Negative-Marvel-Comics/dp/130291510X/ref=sr_1_24?dchild=1&keywords=cloak+and+dagger+vol+2+negative&qid=1591792461&sr=8-24

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