I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

All New X-Men Inevitable Vol 1: Ghosts of Cyclops by Dennis Hopeless (Writer) Mark Bagley (Penciler), Andrew Hennessy (Inker), Nolan Woodard (Colorist), VC's Cory Petit (Letterer)

In the previous X-Men series, Scarlet Witch took away the powers of 99% of all mutants on earth.  The Phoenix decided to get involved and possessed and corrupted Cyclops, the leader of the X-Men who then struck down Professor Xavier. It took all of the Avengers and the X-Men to bring him down.  The Phoenix Force was dispersed across earth creating new mutants. Cyclops, with Emma Frost, have joined forces to start recruiting mutants for the new Charles Xavier School for Mutants.  At the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, Kitty Pride, Beast, Iceman, and Storm are concerned about this as no one has ever trusted Magneto and now they aren't sure about Scott after what happened to the Professor.  They would, of course, rather have these mutants under their roof learning.  It goes without saying that in this world the law and others like them want to lock up mutants. Beast, however, has another plan to try to change things.  He finds a way to go back in time to when he and Scott were just starting out as X-Men in order to bring back the past Scott to see his future self in order to prevent him from becoming that.  Like a Christmas Carol in a weird, yet cool way.  Only it all goes awry when all of the X-Men insists on coming too. Along the way, they meet Laura, or X-23, Wolverine, and she and Angel hook up.

Scott has left the group because he feels that he can't change the future and who he turns out to be and what he does and he stops using his powers because he ls they are dangerous;  This also means that Hank can't track him and find him.  Meanwhile, here are a group of mutants that are calling themselves the Ghosts of Cyclops and are taking a comment he gave out of context to mean that they can loot and wear masks with X's on them.  He decides he's had enough of their nonsense and to go after them. So do the X-Men and that's how they finally meet up with Scott again.

Then the Blob has been stealing exotic animals around Europe and eating them and the X-Men decides to do something about it.  When Angel and Wolverine are out walking one night they come across him in a restaurant and Laura jumps in to attack without waiting for backup and gets her ass kicked.  Angel believes that she is dead.  When he finds out she is alive he breaks up with her because he has had it with her running in and getting shot up with bullets or firebombed when she doesn't necessarily have to.

This comic does a great job of picking up where the other series left off.  And Scott is a character deeply troubled by the Scott he has met who did such horrible things. The Scott that he is supposed to become.  Unless you follow Terminator time-traveler words of wisdom: No fate but what we make.   And Wolverine needs to learn to slow down and let others help her because she's not immortal and while she had a healing factor there are some things you can't heal your way out of if it's enough of them.  And why should you continuously destroy yourself unless you have a death wish or are a masochist?  I don't blame Angel for breaking up with her. He has his own demons he has to battle. He doesn't need to deal with a girlfriend who doesn't care enough about him or herself to stop destroying herself. The other characters are also suffering their own crises;  Isiie is one of faith and Bobbie is of being gay and whether to come out.  This was an incredible comic and I give it five out of five stars.

Listed On Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/All-New-X-Men-Inevitable-Ghost-Cyclops/dp/0785196307/ref=sr_1_3?crid=NKEMMJ8RP0J4&dchild=1&keywords=all+new+xmen+vol+1&qid=1591190208&sprefix=all+new+x%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-3

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