I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Monday, August 31, 2020

Star Wars: Darth Vader: vol 4 Fortress Vader by Charles Would (Writer), Giuseppe Camuncoli (Penciler), Daniele Orandini (Inker), Terry Pallot (Inker),David Curiel (Colorist), Dono Sanxhez-Almara (Colorist), Erick Arciniega (Colorist), VC's Joe Carmagna (Letterer), and VC's Travis Lanham (Letterer)

In the previous comic, the Emperor is sending Tarkin to deal with the military aspects of Mon Cala while Vader deals with the Jedi who is helping the Mon Cala King.  The King is in negotiations with the Empire over how the Empire wants them to give over nearly all of their product for nothing.  The Jedi that the King is working with blows up the ship the Ambassador the King is working with.  This leads Darth Vader and his Inquisitors to land on the surface against the wishes of the Mon Cala who see it as an act of war and fight back.  The Inquisitors sent TIE Fighters and AT-ATs.  to fight the King who is quickly gathering Ackbar and Rebus to defend the planet once they have gotten everyone safely underwater.  The fighting begins while the Jedi and his friends have been offering advice.  But when the King gets captured and tortured by Vader to find out where the Jedi is, the King is able to escape and tell the Jedi what has happened and give him a chance to escape.

In this comic Vader and the Inquisitors are still out killing Jedi and they manage to catch quite the coup with Eeth Koth who had once served on the council.  They caught him with his wife having just given birth so they took the baby but his wife got away and they killed him.  The person who managed to get her baby from her mother is having an affair with one of the Inquisitors and the two are planning on leaving, though Darth Vader gets wind of this plan before they can implement it so they make a mad dash for it that ends in their deaths. 

Since Darth Vader has done such good work for Palpatine he asks for a planet to do his private work on and Palpatine gives it to him.  Vader chooses Mustafar.  Palpatine offers him the skull of Momir an ancient Sith Lord to help him as well as his own private designer.  The designer gets killed after showing Vader the first design.  And soon Vader consults the skull and gets his first design and the body of Momir comes back to life without his powers. 

The people on this planet don't want what Vader is planning to do to happen on this planet for it will be awful for the planet.  This is to open a doorway to the other side and bring Padame back.    The people keep attacking the buildings so the wind up with a tenth design and Vader says this will be it of Momir will be in trouble.  Does Vader make it to the other side? Can Momir be trusted? 

There's a really cool page of Vader in his natural skin with events happening all around him that is just so cool. This was a really good book with Momir, a truly evil villain who has plans of his own.  It's interesting that some of the Inquisitors would want to leave.  Will Vader finally find the answers he seeks beyond the grave?  I give this book a five out of five stars.


Never believe any of your creations are perfect. Only believe your next one could be.
-Momin (Star Wars: Darth Vader: Vol 4: Fortress Vader)

Listed On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Darth-Vader-Fortress/dp/1302910574/ref=sr_1_2?crid=301AMQXXHNI4W&dchild=1&keywords=star+wars+darth+vader+vol+4&qid=1598897446&sprefix=Star+wars+darth+vader+vol%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-2

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