I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Friday, June 26, 2020

Occupy Avengers Vol 1:Tacking Back Justice by David F. Walker (Writer), Carlos Pacheco (Penciler), Rafael Fonteriz (Inker). Sonia Oback (Colorist), Wil Quintana (Colorist), VC's Clayton Cowles (Letterer), Travis Lanham (Letterer)

Clif Barton, aka Hawkeye, has just killed his best friend Bruce Banner, aka The Hulk, at his request with a special bullet and a special arrow they devised together,  It's haunting him what he has done. And so he is traveling the US looking for people to help to get this weight of guilt off of his chest. That's when he arrives in Sweet Medicine, a Native American Reservation where there is indeed something wrong.  Years ago the water got contaminated and someone was supposed to fix it but no one did.  Now they drink out of plastic water bottles.  One night he meets up with Deputy Red Wolf when some men come on the Reservation looking for Clint to investigate him and see what he knows and find out who he is.  The two are doing pretty good fighting off the men until they run into Hydraman and he overwhelms them and they get caught.  When they do get caught, they find a reservoir of water that is on Reservation land that greedy men are stealing.

When that is over with it turns out that Red Wolf has traveled through time and has died before but he is not ready to die yet until he has learned life's lesson, decides to wander the US with Hawkeye and they decide to right wrongs;  They discover a mechanical head of a dead president from the 80s and go to Chicago and face Nightwing's wrath in order to speak to his sidekick Deadly Nightshade who is a whiz with mechanics. And she says that it\s made with Epidurim which makes Life Model Decoys.  No sooner has she finished her analysis than Colonel Nick Fury arrives to attack them with an army.

Also included in this book are two Avengers comics; One from 1980 and one from 1981.  This was an amazing book! It was so well written! I have to say that Hawkeye has always been one of my favorite Avengers and this book really shows off his talents and explores how he is getting praised from the public as a hero for killing the Hulk when he feels he did the wrong thing.  And this new character Red Wolf is mysterious and intriguing.  Overall this is one of the best comics I've read in a long while.  I give it my highest rating of five stars out of five stars.

 There are three kinds of bad guys with machine guns. The first have really good aim and they kill you end of story.  The second have really bad aim and you get away throw a party afterward.  And then there’s the third. The’re deliberately missing you because they don’t want you dead.  They want to capture you. Interrogate you.  Maybe throw in some torture cause there’s some psycho-sexual thing about being in control and causing pain.  It's best to avoid the third type of guy with a machine gun as much as the first type of guy with a machine gun.   Both are bad for your health.  Biggest problem is you don’t know which kind you’re dealing with so you have to assume the worst.
          -Hawkeye (Occupy Avengers Vol 1:Tacking Back Justice)

Guns are impersonal. Knives are brutal.  But here’s the thing. But the arrow…that’s the elegance.  It’s an unwritten letter in an age of text messages.  A bow and arrow really says “From me to you with love and kisses.”
-Hawkeye (Occupy Avengers Vol 1: Taking Back Justice)

Listed On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Occupy-Avengers-Vol-Taking-Justice/dp/1302906380/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1M4KOOQ943F66&dchild=1&keywords=occupy+avengers&qid=1593189412&sprefix=occupy+av%2Caps%2C174&sr=8-1

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