I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Monday, December 31, 2018

The Wife by Alafair Burke

When Burke opens the novel, Angela Powell is finding out an incident at her husband's office through his eyes.  The young woman went on and on about her engagement and he made a comment about being too young to get married and her getting upset about it.  You read the police report where she seems suspicious in her nonanswers.  You like Angela and you know that she went through something traumatic when she was a teenager, that she was kidnapped by a man held captive for three years before being found with a kid, named Spencer.  You don't want her world to explode with a true accusation of sexual harassment.  But then you watch as she doesn't mean to help them dismantle that case by blaming the victim.

The ADA leaks the case to the press hoping to get more accusations to come forward.  And one does. A Kelly Lynch accuses him of raping her.  She has pictures of belt strap marks on her wrists and his DNA on her underwear and her skirt.  Jason Powell explains to his wife that he had an affair with her but that he didn't rape her.  That she was helping him take down her company Oasis which was doing questionable business practices and that he had brought together with some investors. But if they were not on the up and up he had wanted to know about it and to end his relationship with them and to bring them down too.

Angela's best friend Susanna senses that she isn't telling her everything when Angela starts to tell her about a bad night she and Jason had, Susanna gives her a paper on when women don't realize they've been raped.  Now, things don't look too good for Jason.  Burke emotionally manipulates you from the very start making you feel guilty for not wanting to believe the young intern to the very end of the book where a surprise awaits you.  To be honest this book pissed me off with its emotional wrangling.  But I believe I just didn't like being manipulated to this degree.  If I am being honest I would give it two stars for being poorly written, but I think I am letting something that the author did well affect my judgment on this review.  I, therefore, give it an extra star for the work she put into it.

Link to Amazon:   https://www.amazon.com/Wife-Novel-Psychological-Suspense/dp/0062390511/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1546262794&sr=8-1&keywords=the+wife+alafair+burke

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