I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Die Like An Eagle by Donna Andrews

Meg Langslow Waterson and her husband Michael have entered their kids Josh and Jaime into a coach pitch baseball league called Summerball.  Michael is a coach along with a father named Chuck, who doesn't seem to know what he's doing.  Others with more experience were blackballed because they are a woman like Chuck's wife or because of their past run-ins with Biff Brown who is running the league this year.  The league is run this year by Biff Brown whom the parents set up Summerball to avoid dealing with him under Little League which he ran.  Biff would make up local rules at the drop of a hat.  He also berated the two teams he coached.  But he had loyal parents that believed in him just as he had parents that were too scared to cross him, but silently hated what he was doing.

On top of that his construction company was in charge of the upkeep of the ballfield which was a disaster. It also only had one porta potty which was nasty.  When Meg found out about this she became determined to give it to someone else like the Shiffley's Construction Company to take it over and fix it and give them flush toilets. Also, Biff has a contract with the city of Caerphilly to fix up the town square by Memorial Day but he has yet to start. Meg has made numerous calls to his office but he won't take her call or call her back.  When she finally meets him at the ballfield he weasels out of talking to her about it and skedaddles.

Biff had invited a big wig from Summerball, Mr. Witherington to throw out the first pitch.  Meg and the mayor, her boss, see this as an opportunity to oust Biff from running the league if they can show Mr. Witherington that he is unfit.  On Opening Day Meg goes to force the porta potty door open for one of the kids and discovers a body that looks like Biff but turns out to be his half-brother Shep who was supposed to be the umpire of the game.  He had been shot sometime last night and shoved inside the porta potty.

Chief Burke believes that it's possible that the killer mistook Shep for Biff as the two look very similar to each other especially in the dark.  Shep didn't have many enemies, but Biff had a long list of them including the parents of the baseball league and his customers of a construction company who are suing him and a vengeful soon-to-be ex-wife.  Though Shep did have an insurance policy that was made out to his brother, his ex-wife didn't know that.  His brother likely did and Biff was broke and needed money.

Andrews has written another great mystery where you're back and forth on who could possibly have done it until she unties the plot at the end with the distinction of a magician going "Abracadabra".  The character of Shep's ex-wife Callie is so hilarious with her red hair that is not a shade in nature, piled high on top of her head, wearing the highest heels, and wearing the oddest clothing that doesn't necessarily cover all of her body, such as the bra she wore as a top.  And she was never sober.  I really liked this book and I give it four out of five stars.

Link to Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Die-Like-Eagle-Langslow-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B01AGFYUBI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1540383526&sr=8-1&keywords=die+like+an+eagle

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