I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Indecision by Caragh Bell

Indecision seems to be an apt title for this novel.  Lydia leaves behind her French studies to get a master's in English because she wants to be a journalist or write a book when she graduates.  Her dream destination is France, but her boyfriend of three years, Dominic who lives in Dublin and is learning to be a surgeon while she lives in Cork want to move to New York City after he's done.  She tells herself that she can be like Carrie Bradshaw of Sex in the City and live a glamorous life in New York with him.

Lydia lives with her best friend since childhood, Samantha who is a first-year teacher.  She meets a cute guy named Craig when she goes out dancing one night without Lydia.  Craig's cousin, Luca, who is half French, half Irish and from New York City is in some of Lydia's classes and has been flirting shamelessly with her even knowing that she has a boyfriend.  He keeps asking her out for coffee and she keeps saying "no" until her gay cousin Collin without knowing any of this accepts the invite from him and invites Lydia along.  Samantha comes along and the group decides that a ski trip over Christmas break in Austria would be just the thing for all of them, including Collin's new boyfriend Val, Dom, Craig, and Lucus's sort of girlfriend Jessica.

Jessica is a hot model but is rather empty-headed and her talking bores Lucus. He'd rather listen to Lydia who has agreed to be his friend, but no more than that.  The more time they spend together the more Lydia spends thinking about Luca. She enjoys the flattery and the attention, but she knows that he is a player and besides she has Dom whom she loves and who is honestly the best guy ever. You just can't hate this guy.

Then when the ski trip happens, Dom's great aunt dies midway through the trip and he is forced to go home to the funeral.  When Collin and Lydia are going down the mountain they have just closed the slope due to bad conditions and the two become separated in the fog.  Lydia can't find her way down the mountain and picks a trail that leads to a huge pile of snow that she crash lands in and knocks her out. Collin calls Luca who is still at the top of the slope at the cafe to see if he's seen her and he immediately takes off down the barred slope looking for her and when he finds her they enjoy a searing kiss.  Later that night after partying late, everyone else is ready to go to bed, but Luca and Lydia aren't ready to go to bed and head back out again to go dancing and drinking. The dancing is quite dirty and the drinking is quite heavy and when they come back to the chalet they head to Lydia's room where they make love. The next morning Lydia is kicking him out the door telling him that this was a mistake and to forget about it.

But Luca, who thought if he could just sleep with her once he'd get her out of his system can't forget about her, can't.  And Lydia feels an enormous amount of guilt over what she did, but can't stop thinking of Luca.  Lydia's whole life is one great big indecision.  She doesn't know which guy to be with or what to do with her life after college.  But like most romance novels this one will end with her having figured it all out, though, maybe not how you'd expect, however, all lose strings will be tied  I loved the character of Collin with his OCD and his fabulous cooking and drink mixing skills and his ability to figure Lydia out without her saying a word.  Not much gets past him.  And Samantha is the best friend we all wish we could have.  Who will go to bat for us and be there when we are in a jam and not judge.  Overall I really enjoyed this book and as it ended with a to be continued I look forward to the further adventures of Lydia and her group of friends as they get into and out of trouble.  I greatly recommend this book. 

Link to Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Indecision-Follow-Your-Heart-Book-ebook/dp/B0799QPVJN/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1537367274&sr=8-1&keywords=indecision+caragh+bell 

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