I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Friday, October 9, 2020

Say Yes to the Duke by Eloisa James

I have to say right off that I was disappointed in this book.  I mean they don't kiss until at least halfway through the book and its a chaste kiss, not a rip your clothes off the kiss. Then they don't have sex until they're married at the very end of the book.  This is a romance book for crying out loud and an Eloisa James one at that! They're having sex usually at the  halfway point;   

Now the argument is going to be made that the character, Viola is shy and retaining and would not be swept off of her feet and that the gentleman would have to go slow.  I disagree. Especially since Viola had overcome her shyness at the beginning of the book and she admits that the Duke, Devin makes her feels calm and safe.  

What keeps them apart at the beginning of the novel is that Viola believes herself to be in love with the Vicar who himself has engaged to Miss Pettigrew a truly awful woman.  She writes him letters which is untoward and her Aunt puts a stop to.  The Duke before he meets Viola is set on marrying a Duke's daughter because that's what his father told him to do on his deathbed and honestly Devin knows very little about being a Duke so he hopes to have a Duchess who knows all about being one.  

Then at a ball, the two meet and Devin falls head over heels for Viola who thinks he is an idiot but can't deny how she physically feels around him.  I really wish I could have found something interesting to say about the two characters but I can't.  They're boring and the book is boring with no exciting plot devices to keep them apart This is a shame because I had been looking forward to reading Viola's story since we share some of the same characteristics.  But this book is a mess and I am terribly disappointed;  I give this book two stars out of five stars.


The one thing you can say about marriage is that not even an idiot is allowed to challaage his wife to a duel,

-Eloisa James (Say Yes to the Duke p 19)


 Do you ever consider how odd it is that life revolves around tea?

-Eloisa James (Say Yes to the Duke p 167)


Viola blinked. “You never swear” “Profanity is a natural response to one’s children being threatened.”

-Eloisa James (Say Yes to the Duke p219)

Listed on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Say-Yes-Duke-Wildes-Lindow-ebook/dp/B07WZF8JYS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1Z2VZYQY8W02P&dchild=1&keywords=say+yes+to+the+duke&qid=1602251216&s=books&sprefix=say+yes+to+the+duke%2Cstripbooks%2C180&sr=1-1


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