I do not think that there can ever be enough books about anything and I say that knowing that some of them are going to be about Pilates.The more knowledge the better seems like a solid rule of thumb, even though I have watched enough science fiction films to accept that humanity’s unchecked pursuit of learning will end with robots taking over the world.-Sarah Vowell

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Rat Queens Vol 3: Demons by Kurtis J. Wiebe (Writer), Tess Fowler (Artist), Tamara Bonvillain (Colorist), and Ed Brisson (Letterer)

The Rat Queens are Betty, a hippie halfling thief whose idea of a meal is drugs and candy, Hannah, a rockabilly elven mage, Violet a dwarven warrior who shaved her beard and then there's Dee, an atheist human who is skilled in combat has magic abilities and can heal, who comes from a family who worships a squid deity named N'Rygoth.  In the previous book, they were asked to find a woman named Bernadette and an assassin of the Black Khali may be involved.  Dee's husband shows up and tells them that the Haruspex Requiem was stolen. This is the death mask worn by the high priestess of their religion that absorbs all of their knowledge upon their death to be transferred to the next high priestess who wears it.  The Rat Queens have found Bernadette and all they can do is fix her so she is back to normal and not spouting nonsense but she will still be blind.  A man named Gerrig has stolen the Haruspex Requiem with plans destroy Palisade the town he created.  He doesn't have the papers with the spells so he is using what he knows from memory to call to the creatures from the abyss causing the others to hallucinate mostly bad things that will distract them from coming after him. Dee has the spells he needs.  Dee winds up becoming the High Priestess of N'Rygoth.

In this book, Hannah's dad has gone before the Council and attacked them for not being what they should be.  It turns out that the last time years ago when Hannah was a child her dad took down the evil Council for its practices and installed those who were involved in the revolt as the new Council.  Hannah and the gang are heading to her hometown to visit her father because she hasn't heard from him in a while and is worried about him.

Dee wants to end her religion by killing their god.  But she needs help and luckily her brother happens to be there attending his fifth anniversary at the Mage University.  Her atheist brother is shocked to find out that there is a god in the first place.  But he has information on Hannah. Things she hasn't told her friends.  She entered a pact with a demon to help her with her school work and was sent before the Council and banished from the University.  While there she attacked the Council.  But it wasn't really her it was the demon working through her who did so.  Hannah's other secret is that she is half demon herself.

Can the Rat Queens survive this new information and attitude from their friend Hannah?  These strong women will be tested and fighting their way out may not be possible.  This is a great series and this book continues the fun and danger these amazing women go through.  Hannah will be tested mightly and push herself away from her friends so what will they do to help her if anything?  I really loved this book and I give it five out of five stars.

Listed on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Rat-Queens-Vol-3-Demons-ebook/dp/B01DL9FW2W/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=rat+queens+vol+3+diamonds&qid=1562761374&s=gateway&sr=8-1

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